Unexpectedly Only 2 Weeks Go To The Market And Cook For Help, Ugly Neighbors Suddenly Turned To Pursue Me

Which must he likes me or just want to take advantage of a time for another time? 0: 00/1: 54 nam nodeside the house I have a neighbor named P pretty handsome, always go to the box luxurious. It was a good guy who was good for money, was a dream of a lot of sisters. One year is a neighbor, I have never seen him take a girlfriend to play. Just go home, he closed the door closed and had no relations with anyone. Seeing beautiful boys, I also want to get acquainted but people are too high so they can only watch from a distance

. 3 months, while launching the car, I collided with P. fell The road was very painful that he didn't worry, staring at the cars to see if it was scratched? When she discovered a trace scratch quite long, he took me up and scolded the words that were difficult to hear. After that, I had to compensate for money if I wouldn't leave it yet
It was a neighbor so I didn't want to be a noise, my replacement, I drew 1 million to take him to be peaceful. But people refused to ask for another 500 thousand to make me surprised. Unexpectedly, my daily idol neighbor was so emotional. It was sure he liked me or just wanted to answer grace in the sick days. (Artwork) After that time, I hated P always and never to keep my eyes on him anymore.2 Last week, I was cleaning the balcony, I suddenly saw him sitting on a wheelchair. Asked, he knew he fell into his legs. Many today he often asked me to buy the help market, even cooking anymore. At home for free, I am also enthusiastic to help. We have a lot of time talking to each other
Through I love me. In fact, I also liked him but after the case of "going into the ground" before that, the wound was still dull. But she got what he liked me or just wanted to take advantage of a time for another time? He spoke very well, I was afraid of his love juicy sweet words. According to people, should I continue to help P? (Minhnguyet ... @ gmail.com) according to TTVN.Toquoc.vn

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