Use A Mysterious Blozy And A Mysterious Powder Like Cement To Catch Fish, Get The Big Net!

Is this a mysterious powder that makes such a frightened fish? There are many ways to catch fish, however, many people will have to be surprised with the mostriculence method of highlands when Using squeezed blinds and powder. First the fish catchers will squeeze out, this is a very spicy fruit (spicy over chili) and can wallet its spicy as a mustard. Then, mix it with ashes and water as if mixing cement, when mixed, the fishing person will remove this mixture to bring it into the river. According to the solution, the powder from the fruit is extremely spicy but not toxic Give people as well as the environment. When removing this powder at the watershed, the fish will be spicy in the eyes and panic

. Under the downstream, the fishing man was held for bamboo or strangers to make the fish fence again, and opened an escape beside it, making the fish swimming towards this predetermined direction. The grid to catch fish. With this way, follow fish catchers, someone can catch a few quintals
Fishman will only catch big children and drop small fish. Let's watch the unique way of catching fish people from the movie below.View: Sunflowers

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