Western Dream, Rich When Viewing From Above

0:00 / 5: 11 Southern Romantic West, Rich, when looking from overhead tourist destinations such as floating markets, Can Tho bridges ..., which have been famous now with the corner of the plane Photo of Tran Minh Luong became poetic. Hanh Tran Minh Luong does not work at the Power Corporation 2 (Evngenco2) as a media specialist so passion for photography is also associated with him

. Want to seek new experiences through the lens, Mr. Minh Luong recorded the angles of viewing on high with the Flycam.In sharing: "Working at the generation company so I wish to make a full set The image records the beauty of the electromagnetic works above
For me, it is a memorial, both a material for work. "Electricity systems connect to O Mon thermal power plant in hundreds of hundreds of photos of the electrical industry have done, he said himself The most impressive with the image of the power system connected to the O Mon Thermal Power Plant across the rice field is entering the golden crop in the early dew. Salt in Long Dien commune, Dong Hai district, Bac Lieu province. At his free time, he was with his "companion" with neighboring localities to feel and record the colorful life paintings of the people. During once came with salt fields in Long Dien commune, Dong Hai district, Bac Lieu Province, he was surprised by the factoring of the contours and colors of waved fields stretching, following each other. The most concentrated Bac Lieu salts in Dong Hai and Hoa Binh districts, producing a crop every year, lasting from December to April next year, before the rainy season begins. The street of Thanh, Hau Giang province to the West cannot ignore the garden markets, because the market is the most diverse place of specific products. "Dong" market in Vi Thanh city, Hau Giang province is one of them; The people here are busy directly on land into goods separated by ways and sells the types of agricultural products "of growers" such as bananas, melon, powers, fish, shrimp ..
because it is a shallow market The village should also have a high stall or a spectacular booth, the relatives often squat and show the goods around. The name "Cho Chan Nhau Tiger" also originated from there. The phoenix flower road in Vi Thuy district of Hau Giang province "The car basket filled with phoenix flowers" - Perhaps now it is not easy to catch this image, so But a sharp phoenical space in the summer you can find it when coming to Vi Thuy district of Hau Giang province. Mr. Minh Luong has recorded the shady-lined road on a middle of May. This scene will probably do "luck" "followers" with a romantic and dreamy soul. Can Tho becomes a fanciful In the sunset. If you go anywhere, you don't forget your homeland, the young engineer has waited a lot of sunset to choose a modern photo corner and so be poetry with the proud work side of the people Land of Tay Do - Can Tho Bridge. This cable-stayed bridge crosses the Hau River, connecting Vinh Long and Can Tho City, with a length of 15.85 km, of which the main bridge is 2.75 km long completed in 2010. Photos of "Market meetings Early "is a work to help Mr. Tran Minh Luong to meet the bronze medal at the 34th Mekong Delta Art Photo Festival in 2019.If missing the sunset on Can Tho bridge is certain to catch the sun at the beginning of the day Phong Dien floating market. About 17 km southeast of the city center. It trades full of agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables, food. Although not as bustling as old but today's floating market is still a place to attract many tourists, bringing a different experience alone only in the West River. Vinh Long ceramic bricks become shimmering and fanciful From the corner of the upper machine. Can Tho bridge, visitors will arrive in Vinh Long province. This place not only "cut the heart" to be far away with fruit gardens, but also opened a nostalgic space with old things that are mainly preserved between modern and constantly innovating society. Vinh Long Ceramic Brick Village (also known as the name of the old brick village - ancient fried pottery village) has existed for over hundred years. This is the largest brick, red ceramic producer in the West in the West. The scene of thousands of giant ceramic brick kilns clicked on each other to release smoke in dawn or the evening will probably leave an unforgettable impression for those once came to this place. The coincore in Vinh Long was also in the province. Vinh Long, the green fields in the harvest season must be a destination that should not be missed. Observing farmers' harvesting scenes from above, you will be surprised because it is no different from a stage of dancers. With Western relatives, long-terms have been widely used, an environmentally friendly material for weaving or making handicraft products for domestic and export markets. Ta Pa in Tri Ton District, An Giang with its upper corner, Mr. Minh Luong has discovered the wing of Ta Pà in Tri Ton district, An Giang.

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