What New Institutional Taliban Will Apply In Afghanistan?

Taliban claimed democratic institutions without any platform in Afghanistan, the country is likely to be run by a board ruling Taliban-like phase (1996-2001). "There will not be any democracy both because it does not have any particular platform in our country. we will not discuss the type of political regime will apply in Afghanistan because it was obvious. it's Islamic Sharia law, "spokesman Tuesday 18/8 Waheedullah Taliban Hashimi for his hay.Theo Hashimi, the country is likely to be run by a Taliban ruling council and the supreme leader Haibatullah expected Akhundzada retains overall leadership role as president there Hashimi power structure that he outlined bearing similarities with the way that the Taliban operating in Afghanistan while in power from 1996 to 2001

.Khi that supreme leader Mullah Omar is not exposed to the operating and land water daily for a chance dong.Duoc know, the Taliban's senior leaders will meet this weekend to discuss and propose institutional Operating nuoc.Ong Hashimi said land also asked former pilot and soldier from the Afghan armed forces re-join the ranks under the new institutional dao
Phat Taliban leader Taliban spokesman also allay concerns concerns about the Taliban will apply austerity measures on women of this country as before the wire phase 5 year rule (1996-2001), Afghan women are not allowed out alone, if you want to go out to one member of the family man escort. Also they must wear clothes that cover the entire than.Taliban time also prohibit women to work, girls are not allowed to go to school, some places in Afghanistan, even freedom to marry is not in the hands of women women or their families, but in the hands of local Taliban leader phuong.Nham reassure Mr Hashimi said: "our scholars will decide whether girls should be allowed to go to school. they will decide the women should wear the hijab (headscarf and chest), burqa (apparel covered person, hair and face), or just veils and robes abaya or something. or they may be allowed go to work or not. it depends on the scholars' .We at the Taliban soldiers to carry guns to knock on doors and ask people to work. Witnesses said the gunmen also questioned them about the relationship with My.Wasima, 38, said she was shocked when three Taliban members held a gun to knock on her door in the city of Herat, domain Western Afghanistan on the morning of 18/8
They took the information, asked about the job and her salary at an aid organization, and asked her to keep going lam.Hang dozen people from Kabul to Lashkar Gah city in the south and city Mazar-i-Sharif in northern Afghanistan, told Reuters. There are the unannounced visit of the Taliban in 24 hours qua.Mot some people said, it seems that the visit of Taliban soldiers are not only to encourage people back to work, but this action was aimed threatening to people frightened and submissive population moi.Nguoi authorities said roads leading to the international airport Hamid Karzai often obstructed by many people trying to flee the country on evacuation flights. many business establishments in Kabul remained closed and many large areas of the city becomes deserted after the Taliban gained control of the capital on 15 / 8. as the image ad appearance women had been scanned son.Taliban fire a theme park in Jowzjan province on the grounds inside the park with statues contrary to Islamic mores giao.Trong press conference after the first official accounting Kabul today is 17/8, Zabihullah Mujahid, Taliban representative, who said that this force wants to have a relationship good with other countries for economic recovery and prosperity "to exit this crisis" .However, many Afghans are still wary of the above statement. Some others also fear the Taliban might swallow words, because reality has made deadly violence occurred because the Taliban fighters attacked thuong.Nguoi people today host Dawran 17/8 Shabnam said she had state television was Afghanistan under the Taliban ordered fired. "They told me that the regime has changed. I was not allowed to work anymore, let's go home, "the Wasima said, and fear the opportunity for women decreases when the Taliban came to power, even if they are urging her to return to work .Viet Hung

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