What’s In ‘joe Biden’ Is Emerging After Happening In Afghanistan?

When announced before the whole world on August 16 that there was no regret on the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, it was also when President Joe Biden gave suggestions on the principle of American policy orientation. Total US mini Joe Biden in the Afghanistan situation speech, directly broadcasted from Washington DC., August 16, 2021. Photo: AFP / TTXVN does not seek to rebuild a country through military deployment. Do not fight constantly in the war without benefiting the US

. Do not rush into civil war intervention abroad. At tactical range, the US will intervene against terrorism, but not against rebels. The US will also use all available strengths to eradicate direct threats to the US
Some day, this may be the main pillars in theory known as "Biden Doctrine" . These principles differ from what was former President George W. Bush - decided to bring troops to Afghanistan 20 years ago, once given. In Bush's doctrine, the US is identified as a "maternal owner", the world's liberal and democratic developers from which to minimize the risk and threat to the United States. US allies will closely monitor the new US interior moves abroad with which is a stable situation in Afghanistan. "If comparing policy operation between the Time of the Bush Government and the Biden Government, we will see a big difference in national construction, democracy, assisting other countries to avoid the threat from the main They ", Jeffrey Hornung's senior political scientist in Rand Center (USA). According to Hornung, a major feature in the "Bidenian doctrine" may be the highlight of essential national interests, which Biden has never made it clear. Michael Green, senior vice president in Central The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) recognizes the situation in Afghanistan as "a Biden's self-purification error and such a disorders that undermine the faith in the US and allies." But the level is not too serious, not enough to rift US-Japanese or American alliance relations. America's fury in Afghanistan is not a "political victory with isolated personnel", Mr
Green.Mike Mochizuki, Chairman in charge of American-Japanese relations at National Relations University Te Elliot under the University of George Washington said that there was a difference when using military power to promote democracy in a nation that lacks a democratic tradition with an institution as a partner, the US allies know. Democratic value. First responsibility belongs to the host country, not the US and this applies to the US partner and allies. At this perspective, Japan - the US allies, where 50,000 US soldiers stationed, will be considered "essential national interests" for the United States, forcing the US to intervene once Japan was toned Public, Mr. Mochizuki recognized.Theo Tom Shugart, senior scholars at the New American Security Center (CNAS), the US failed in stopping the Taliban to power in Afghanistan is not a testament to show the United States Will do the same thing in Taiwan Strait. Taliban gunmen enters the presidential palace in Kabul, Afghanistan, after giving control over the capital, on August 15, 2021. Photo: AP / TTXVN "American peace is set up and maintained by the power of the US on the oceans. When that peace ended, it was because the US dominance ended there, not in the Central Mountains in Central Asia ", Mr. Shugart Ly Ly. In speech on August 16, he Biden declared: "The only US essential national interest in today still has not changed compared to the previous: preventing terrorist attacks to enter the US mainland." Those who take right in Kabul may have not understood this. As far as the US, anti-terrorism is now narrower than the foundation, no longer including rebellion. "The era of long military adventures steam, the state assisted in the future near the. The coming terrorist campaigns here will be the same as the United States being implemented in Africa - which is a limited military presence, baseding more on partners who are native water security forces, "said Simon Frankel researcher Pratt under the University of Bristol raised the viewpoint. In 1996, two scholars followed the New Conservative William Kristol and Robert Kagan once wrote in Foreign Affairs magazine that America's role in the post-war war would be a "owner ". In that position, the United States actively promoted the principles of governance abroad, such as democracy, market freedom or respect for free. Kristol and Kagan's thesis played a foundation for birth of Bush doctrine. But after a quarter of the century and after two wars, the US foreign policy is mostly moving to a new direction. Tai Thanh / News News (Nikkei Asia)

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