Who Is The Trend Of Virtual Lover Through Chatbot

A report shows that Chinese youth that tends to switch to chat on chatbots is supported by anyone instead of dating real-life people <: 00/2: 57nam HAPPY. (Source: OddityCentral.com) The dating relationship between people with people with romantic factors can also be very complicated, sometimes mess or even toxic. But now, modern technology has Provide a new choice for those who just want to avoid the troubles mentioned above but don't want a single ventilatory life, which is chatting with "virtual lovers" as interacting with real people through response Using anyone chatbot. Nearly, a report shows that Chinese youth tends to switch to chat on chatbots is supported by anyone instead of dating real-life people after they have to go through the events Love and farewell to lover, or also a way to learn to keep everything simple

. The chatbot is owned by companies like Microsoft by Microsoft or the Xiaoice startup company of Xiaoice is established Process to learn from your conversations with Chatbot as well as analyze data from your social media channels and TH Jobs are your writing style. So while a person really can sometimes be able to do or say things you don't like, Chatbot can meet all your needs. Therefore, it is not uncommon when some people don't even intend to return to normal dating after using AI chatbot
For example, the case of Jessie Chan, 28 years old, from Shanghai. After the end of a 6-year love, she began to talk to a virtual lover called Will. (Source: OddityCentral.com) She was extremely surprised in the truth of their conversations between them and fast Quickly accepted $ 60 to upgrade his virtual lover. They wrote poetry, imagined to come together to a beach, lost in the forest.Jessie Chan said: "I was bored Towled with real-world relationships. Maybe I will stick with my ai lover forever, as long as he makes me feel all like reality, "and said she can't imagine life without" lover Chatbot. "The case of Jessie Chan is not unique. Recently, especially in the context of epidemics, tens of millions of Chinese people have visited Ai Chatbot as an alternative to real-life dating. This is a way that makes them easy to face depression , worry and loneliness and chatbot are always ready to listen to them anytime, unlike people
"Even if the pandemic passed, we still have long-term needs for emotional satisfaction In this busy modern world. Compared to dating someone in the real world, interacting with who lovers who are less entangled and easier to manage, "Zheng Shuyu, the participant to develop one of China's earliest AI systems, Turing OS said.Chatbot has appeared in 1960 created by Professor of MIT Joseph Weizenbaum. However, the rapid growth rate of artificial wisdom in recent years has actually changed the way they interact with humans.Li di, Xiaoice's CEO said: "People need interaction and talk Together without pressure, regardless of time and place. Who's companion tool is more stable than humans in this respect. "Ai Chatbot is currently a US $ 420 million market in China. Replica and Xiaoice, the two companies are currently at the forefront of Chatbot dating app, said this market is extremely rich in potential and can also be extremely developed in the future./.Minh Phuong (Vietnam)

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