Will Afghan Crisis Will Lead To A New Refugee Crisis In Europe?

The Taliban in power in Afghanistan made a concern, about the wave of Afghan people migrating and repeated the migration crisis in 2016, when more than 1 million people from the Middle East came to Europe, please follow the thousands. Afghan people have left the country or try to find a way to leave Kabul to leave Kabul in a desperate way, due to fear of the Taliban force will implement the Sharia Islamic Law System which is imposed 20 years ago. Huge migrants from Afghanistan? Fear of harsh Sharia Islamic Law System is not the only reason that Afghanistan seeks to leave the country. The situation of violence, drought and crisis Covid-19 made millions of Afghan people need humanitarian aid, and many of them can become economic migrants in the coming months. Dong island Afghnitan people Leaving the country by crossing Islam Qala in the west of Herat province, the border area of Iran

. Photo: Aptaliban has closed important border areas and has a number of "very limited" Afghan people who can cross across the border, but the European Union (EU) said that "increased migration pressure" will take place for a long time due to the instability under the ruling of the rebels. The UN's refugee indicator said, more than 550,000 Afghan people have lost their homes since January this year due to the situation Ninh increased unstable. Before the humanitarian situation in this South Asian country, the EU has urged Member States to increase admission quotas for Afghanists to be protected, especially women and Children
The United Kingdom said the country will receive 5,000 Afghan people in the first year of the new resettlement program, which prioritizes women, girls and ethnic minorities. After that, this number will be able to increase to 20,000 people in the long term. Should Europe will open the similar migrants in 2015? In the short term, Europe will not be ready to receive a new migration. In 2015 and 2016, Germany opened the border to Syrian refugees and migrants due to war and poverty, a move that made anger Prime Minister Angela Merkel was welcomed by internationally. In the country. However, Prime Minister Merkel plans to resign after the federal election on September 26, so the same script will be difficult to repeat in Germany. However, Prime Minister Merkel said that refugees should be ensured safety in neighboring Afghanistan before the EU considers reception.Pakistan is currently the place of living of 1.4 million Afghan people refugee, while Iran has nearly 1 million people, according to the data of the UN refugee agency. In fact, the number of Afghan people without papers in both countries is estimated to be much higher
In the meantime, other EU countries do not want to recur the migration crisis in 2015/16, Partly due to concerns about the violent reaction of voters. The Austrian government on August 14 said that the country firmly exports Afghan people for asylum but not eligible. Austria is one of the 6 EU countries resolutely expelting the Afghan people for asylum but not eligible. However, 3 countries including Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands have changed their views on this issue and stopped the expulsion of Afghan asylum as in the current context. Greek border guards are in vigilance , to avoid repeating the massive migrants of Syrians across Turkey in 2015. Greece recently prevented Afghan refugees from going through the sea of the country. After the 2015 migration crisis / 2016, the EU has strengthened forces for Frontex - Europe Border Guard from the EU, to have greater capacity in preventing and repatriation of illegal migrants. Afghanistan will easily migrate to Europe? Asyl asylum in Europe will be more difficult for Afghanistan than before.Iran called on many people out of more than 2 million Afghan migrants without papers, along with 800,000 asylum in the country The Islamic Republic should return to Afghanistan. Turkey is currently the country who receives the world's largest refugee, with more than 4 million people, in which Most are Syrians. In an effort to prevent a new migration wave, the Ankara government is building a wall running along the border with Iran.eu also signed an agreement with Turkey after the migration crisis in 2015/2016, according to That Ankara will prevent the flow of migrants to Europe. The transit route into the EU through the West Balkan also becomes less ventilated than before. The European will continue to financial support for Kabul? Western countries It is not yet officially recognized that the Taliban takes the right to run Afghanistan, but acknowledges that the nation needs a lot of economic difficulties, which is considered to help prevent the wave of migration massively. Angela Merkel in this week confirmed that humanitarian assistance would be the key to preventing recurrence of migration crisis as in 2015. The British government also announced to double V

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