Women Who Are Considered ‘partner Gifts’ In Chinese Technology Companies

Alibaba rape accusation in Alibaba revealed the dark side inside the ratio and modern office of the country of the billionaire.0: 00/4: 41 namtheo New York Times, scandaled about sexy jokes Sex, partying evenings have long been a sore problem of the Chinese technology industry. It is difficult to change this in a early, one-way. I am a malicious office in many years, Alibaba from small startups rise into the e-commerce. Few people know that some of their departments welcome new employees with a "Ice-Breaking" acquaintance makes many people affordable

. New people are forced to disclose information about private life in front of a love Head, first kiss and their sexual times. According to the old staff of Alibaba, the questions are interpreted in the way "cannot print to the newspaper". Of course, Chinese technology giants denied these things
8/8, a female Alibaba employee publicly shocked on internal social networks. After unconscious because of the wine party with customers, she was raped by his manager. Fusing for a series of other stories, reflecting the trend of naked sexual harassment in the office world Technology has been hidden for a long time. Alibaba has called for a healthy leadership in the business. Photo: Reuters. In the Letter sent to the Group Leadership, 6,000 Alibaba employees require a ban on comments and games in acquaintances and other business events. Other businesses, Alibaba Statement of dismissal manager accused rape and continues to deploy appropriate steps to prevent harassment of workplaces. This is not the first time a sexual scandal occurs in the environment Office of Chinese technology world. According to the New York Times, men have long ruled this field. They tend to despise women, blame victims and ignore harassment
3. The previous year, a student at the University of Minnesota accuses Richard Liu, the founder of JD.com, who raped her later A business story on the wine party.Liu denied the case, police refused to investigate, Internet communications and Chinese technologies stood toward the billionaires, calling victims is the golden digger, with the words Other insulation. Contract with Alibaba's scandal alcohol table, creating a controversy around two factors that exist in the receptions of Chinese businesses, including the technology industry: Wine and women. "Meal eating no woman is not a meal "is the title of the article posted in GQ magazine in 2017, with the illustration of nude woman illustration in the soup bowl. In the reference posted on the internal website Alibaba's ministry, female employees said managing her appearance as a gift for partners. "Seeing me good with me, I brought to a beautiful person," this person told Customer at the party. The victim of the incident said that the nightmare began after she was forced to drink too much. Alcoholism for Chinese meals was abused in business. Photo: Reddit.The force of drinking alcohol is a long-term problem in Chinese corporate culture. It can be viewed as an expression of power, making women and subordinate staff in disadvantages. Refusing to drink with the superior is considered to be insulted. Last night, during a dinner party, a bank director slapped new employees after he refused his request to replace freshwater. The case of the manager in Alibaba and the Bank Director above, they were fired or disciplined after the story was public. However, this does not resolve the issue root. Even, there are situations of victims that are punished. Games 2020, a female employee of Didi has been fired for "poor capacity". The decision was made after she spoke about being forced to drink alcohol during a meal at the company, then being physically and sexually attacked. Victims posted on social networks of bruised face photos with doctor's diagnostic results.Startup calls Chinese cars silently before the question of New York Times about investigating allegations of women This tablet or not. If a business culture, a businesswoman said that scandals like the last case in Alibaba are not rare in the Chinese technology world. She asked to be anonymous because she would be boycotted by partners and colleagues after this review. Xiaomi staff participated in "fashion performances" in the new year's celebration event. Photo: Twitter Xiaomi. Technology also begins to limit public objection behaviors. The employees who have just received jobs in Alibaba Recently do not need to answer their privacy questions during the new acquaintance. However, New York Times said that there are malicious views that have been deep into the Chinese technology industry, Not easy to remove. In 2014, Qihoo 360 network security company invited a Japanese porn star to dancing with his programmers, while some female employees greedy

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