Writer Vu Hanh – The Author Of The Short Story ‘pen A Blood Pen’ Died

Due to the age of weakness, writer Vu Hanh - the author of the short story 'blood pen' has died at 6:00 on August 15, enjoying 96 years of age.0: 00/2: 43 namthun day 15/8, gia Family informing Van Vu Hanh - Nguyen is the General Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City Association, the Standing Member of the Ho Chi Minh City Literature Literature Association recently at 6:00 at Gia Dinh People's Hospital. He was hospitalized from August 11, however, because he was a great age, the writer had left, enjoyed 96 years old. Van Vu Hanh died at the age of 96.Theo information from the family, due to the disease situation Complex developments should be a member of Ho Chi Minh City and the Union of Arts Literature Associations in Ho Chi Minh City to support the funeral of Vu Hanh's funeral to take place simply with the participation of the family and some representatives

. 15:00 Today, Linh Cuu Van Vu Hanh was taken to burial in Ho Chi Minh City's cemetery in Cu Chi. Văn Vũ Hạnh Really named Nguyen Duc Dung, was born in 1926 in Quang Nam in a grapary family. He used to join the Viet Minh Front
In 1955, he participated in the fight for the North-South and was arrested in the house of Lao Thang Binh, then Ho Hoi An. Finally in 1956, after being released, he went to Saigon to teach and write books . He took a pseudonym and continued to fight with his pen. He also has other pseudes such as Ms. Phuong Thao, Ho Chi Minh City, Nguyen Phu, Minh Huu.In the time of war against the US, Vu Hanh is a cultural officer of Saigon - Gia Dinh Party Committee, public activities in Inner city Saigon with pen, collar for human values and preserve national culture. In 1966, Vu Hanh was the Secretary-General of the National Cultural Protection Force - the organization of patriotic intellectuals, progress in the South. After the country of the country, the period from 1975 - 1985 he was the Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City Association, the Standing Member of the Ho Chi Minh City Art Letter Association. The work of Vu Hanh writer. His, Vu Hanh left many short stories like "overcasting" (1963), "Spring on a high peak" (1964), "pearls" (1964), "The school went down" ( 1966), "Hao Hung dog" (1974), "The Xajian girl" (1974),
.. outstanding among them is a short story "Pen blood" (1971) is appreciated and reprinted Many times. I also composed novels like "forest fire" (1972); "The godman" (2020) and essay "Releasing to Kieu" (1966), "Learn English" (1970) ... Van Vu Hanh also has 3 scenarios: "Shop owner"; "A dream"; "I know"; And the memoirs: "Unforgettable Tet" (1990), "a pen (2000). Vu Hanh writer was awarded the State Award for Literature - Art in 2007./.Pv/vov.vn

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