Young Couples And Anti-epidemic, Supporting Childbirth In Quarantine

Seeing the baby just caught in her mother, Mi hurriedly went to pick up. The female student burst into tears because she was too worried about, only hope for women and children to be safe.02 / 5: 00Nam in the south at noon in Thuan Giao Secondary School, Thuan An City, Binh Duong, Increasingly unexpectedly coming from the disease room on the floor. Here, a pregnantce showed signs of return, the static housewriters thanks to help.Nghe Ho Chi Minh City, 2 volunteers (TNV) Pham Mai Nguyen Hoang Hiep immediately runs up help

. Mi is the most year-old student in general medical industry, Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University; The union is the last year student of the Department of Psychology, University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi Minh City.2 Students who support Conch SHARE with Zing and Hoang Hiep said about 13:00 on August 13, Agricultural women in the quarantine in quarantine occur the status of abdominal pain, rupture and about to birth. Their family consists of husband and wife and 3 children are F0
piep and Mi always encourage and encourage each other to try when doing the duty. Hemp and Mi are very messy, the first year student has never experienced Similar situations. Both suggest that women need to be hospitalized for emergency to get the best medical intervention. However, when it has not called an ambulance, the baby has started out of his womb. Mi has no other way, hurriedly grabbed the child in his hand, crying. Besides, Hiep also burst into tears because of worrying. "Both and she had no experience to support obstetrics, but in a quiet situation, we had to help women welcome the baby. The women also very tangled , the husband stood clutching his wife's hand. It was crashing out of his womb, boys did not cry, both and she was very worried. We burst into tears for fear of unfortunate things, "he said again
I am born. When I supported my baby in my hand, Bui Thi Quynh Anh, a doctor of Thuan An Health Center, promptly present. The doctor quickly first aid, monitoring the status of women and Newborn baby. Once this time, the baby cried his head. Hearing the cry of the child, all breathed in relief. In it, Hiep and Mi also cried according to excited. "The moment of happiness, the most peace of mind is when the baby cries. Now we know the baby is safe. Babies are born with about 2 kg. Lying resuscitation right in the quarantine. The doctors followed, said her health and baby's health, no need to be hospitalized, "Hiep said. After that, Hiep and Mi often asked, Help pregnant care and bathing for babies. Knowing family scenes, both also called on many other people in the quarantine area to support her family. "We still run now. I'm not a medical student, Mi is also a student First year. We only try to do everything that can be in that situation. Baby and healthy pregnant women are the greatest joy with us, "sharing. Each other from the volunteer place from the time The 4th epidemic outbreak in Ho Chi Minh City, Hiep and Mi registered to become a VNV against epidemic. Together to assume many tasks, both afflevant and officially dating. In June, Hiep and Mi together with Binh Duong to support the prevention and control of epidemics. Thuan Giao Secondary School where both duty initially only was the Isolation area F1, now has become a place to treat F0 in the area. "Currently, there is a permanent doctor, a medical employee Just, 4 volunteers and 2 militias. On August 14, we were added 2 more volunteers. Also during the day, the total number of f0 is treating here is 295 people, "Half sharing. Waiting for the end of the epidemic to go out and play together, dating the dating of the Hiep, Mi as well as other volunteers in the quarantine area is to distribute meals, monitor the health status of each sick, support you Emergency Si F0, receiving patients and many other logistics jobs. With a lot of work, the volunteers here do not hide fatigue. The Hiep and Mi was repeatedly drowned, meeting huge pressure. Everyone, both trying to encourage each other, say happy things to relieve stress. "Every morning we wake up from 5 hours, together to do tasks. At night, about 0h we are just finished . However, there are also 2-3h days when the group has just reached the task, to take a resting. F0 Uncle F0 in the quarantine area is lovely, but sometimes tired of the disease, people are still a bit uncomfortable with We are too pressure, we have to encourage each other and return to the mission, "said the talk. Double a wet hands to sweat when working under the hot sun.Banciful when participating in anti-epidemic, Hiep and you Girls do not support their parents for worrying about worrying, afraid of both unfortunately infected. Mia must hide the family to register volunteers, and Hiep must convince moms very much. After a while, see and know the protection Healthy, family can be more secure. "I and I determine the epidemic will be strenuous, dangerous but I really want to do something for the community during this epidemic period, undesirable Fee for children. Family worried, both always pay attention to wear carefully protective clothing, thoroughly apply 5k rules. Every time we have free, we all call storytelling to parents b

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