
  • Nutrition for weight loss: Things to know about fast diets What is a fast diet? A fast diet is a weight loss plan that promises quick results. These diets often do not result in long-term weight loss and are often unhealthy. In fact, some fast diets can even jeopardize your health. Some common ...
  • What are "nutritious" foods? Nutritious foods are foods that contain lots of vitamins and minerals (also called micronutrients) but do not contain many calories (energy). Vitamins and minerals nourish the body, keep you healthy, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. You can get these ...
  • With which diet will help me lose weight? Each individual is different, so no one single diet can be applied to everyone. Notice that after a while you "diet" to lose weight, often you will "eliminate" that diet and return to your old eating habits. This can lead to weight gain and loss, and it's ...
  • What is "organic"? The US Department of Agriculture is the official agency that defines and controls the term "organic". That means that to be labeled organic food on the packaging, that food must meet certain standards. What is organic produce? Figure: Organic food Organic produce must be grown in ...
  • What are micronutrients? Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals in food that nourish your body and keep you healthy. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), American adults often do not get enough of the following nutrients: Calcium Potassium Fiber Magnesium Vitamins ...
  • What are nutritional supplements? A nutritional supplement is a vitamin, mineral, or herb that you eat or drink to improve your health but have no nutritional value. These supplements are not intended to cure or treat diseases, unless they are passed a health certificate by the U.S. Food and Drug ...
  • What is vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin that you usually get from your food. It is mainly found in fish, crustaceans, meat and dairy products. Vitamin B12 helps to make red blood cells and DNA, while keeping your nervous system functioning properly. Most people with low vitamin B12 ...
  • What is the effect of vitamin D? Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. The body needs calcium to build bones and teeth in adolescence and adolescence. As an adult, you need vitamin D and calcium to maintain bone mass. This helps prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D also helps your body maintain ...
  • Different groups of people have different daily calorie needs. For example, an adult athlete will need to consume more calories than a 3 year old active baby. When eating food purchased directly from the store, be sure to check out the nutrition labels to see how many calories are in one serving. ...
  • What is trans fat? Trans fats are a type of fatty acid found in the foods we eat. Fatty acids are a source of energy for your body. Fatty acids are found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, animal fats and fish oil. Not all fatty acids are good. For example, a moderate amount of polyunsaturated and ...
  • What to do to lose weight? Calories are the measure of the amount of energy in the food we eat. To lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories, which means you consume less energy than your body uses. Some foods have more calories than others. For example, foods high in fat and sugar are often high ...
  • Some fat should be present in your healthy diet. They can reduce the risk of disease. But you should make sure that you are eating "good" fat instead of "bad" fat. Why do I need fat in my diet? The body converts fat into energy. It also uses fat to build nerve and hormone tissue, while also ...
  • What are antioxidants? The cells in your body are exposed to oxygen every day. Oxygen is important for the health of the body, but exposure to oxygen also causes oxidation. During oxidation, chemicals in the body are transformed and form free radicals. Exposure to environmental factors, such as ...
  • Why is calcium so important for health? Calcium is a mineral found in your body. Most calcium is found in bones and teeth. You need lots of calcium to keep bones and teeth healthy for life. There is also calcium in your blood, muscles and fluid between cells. The body uses calcium to help the blood ...
  • Why is it so important to stay hydrated? Your body depends on water to survive. Did you know that water makes up more than half of your body weight? All cells, tissues and organs in your body need water to function properly. For example: Your body uses water to maintain temperature, eliminate waste ...