What is a nutrition label? Nutrition facts help you determine the amount of calories and nutrients in a serving. Nutrients include fat, sugar, protein, vitamins and minerals. This information tells you whether you are eating a healthy and balanced diet. Labels of nutrition ingredients, found on ...
What is Acesulfam K? Acesulfam K, also known as acesulfam potassium (acesulfam potassium), is a sugar-free calorie substitute. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar, does not cause aftertaste (taste after taste) and is often used with other sweeteners. Acesulfam K is also known under the trade names ...
What is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and rye. Most people can eat gluten without any problems, but people with celiac disease (a type of intestinal disease caused by gluten sensitivity, which make it difficult to digest and absorb nutrients from food) eat) you should not ...
What are progestin-only birth control pills? As a contraceptive pill that only has progestin. It is often referred to as a "mini-pill". Normally, there are two types of female hormonal contraceptives: estrogen and progestin (progestin is a synthetic form of progesterone). Because this mini-pill ...
What is an intrauterine device? An intrauterine device (IUD), a small, T-shaped device, is attached to the end of the device with a string (this cord will be pulled out of the cervix so that it can be checked periodically. Are you still in the right place?). The intrauterine device is inserted into ...
What is family planning using natural methods? Natural family planning is a method of determining when you can have sex without becoming pregnant. During the menstrual cycle, there will be some changes in a woman's body. By observing these changes, it is possible to know when to have sex and when ...
What is contraception? Contraception is the prevention of pregnancy, also known as controlled birth. Most of us know about methods like birth control pills and condoms. However, there are several other options. When thinking about using birth control, talk to your doctor. The choice of ...
What is a barrier method of contraception? The barrier method of contraception acts as a barrier to prevent a man's sperm from meeting a woman's egg. Some barrier methods of contraception also protect the body from sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Several barrier methods of contraception, such ...
What is Depo-provera? Depo-provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) is an injectable contraceptive, with each dose effective for preventing pregnancy within 3 months. Depo-provera is a synthetic drug similar to progesterone, a normal hormone produced by the ovaries during each menstrual cycle. How ...
What is a combined hormonal method of contraception? Birth control pills, birth control patches, and vaginal rings are combined hormonal methods of contraception. The composition consists of two hormones: estrogen and progestin. How does combined hormonal contraception work? The combined hormonal ...
What is emergency contraception? Emergency contraception (also known as postpartum contraception) is the use of several methods to prevent unintended pregnancy after unprotected sex or insufficient protection. This is not a method of abortion, so it is not effective if you are pregnant. What forms ...
What is hormonal contraception? Besides the method of taking birth control pills and using intrauterine devices containing hormones, there are a number of other methods of contraception: implants, injections, rings and patches. How does hormonal contraception work? Hormonal contraceptives work by ...
What are the considerations when choosing contraception? To choose an appropriate contraceptive, consider the following: Contraceptive effect like? Easy to use? Is a doctor's prescription required? Ability to prevent sexually transmitted diseases? The pathology is acquired? Is gynecological ...
What is sterilization? Sterilization is a permanent method of contraception. This is the most common form of contraception in the world. What is sterilization procedure for women? Tubal ligation is a method of sterilization for women. In a tubal sterilization, the fallopian tubes will be cut and ...
How does birth control pills work? Birth control pills contain hormones that prevent ovulation from occurring. These hormones also cause a number of changes in the body that hinder pregnancy. The cervical mucus thickens, making it harder for sperm to move into the uterus, while the lining of the ...