Acid is a strong chemical that can cause corrosion and damage to the surface it comes in contact with; Whether it is a wood surface or a metal surface, it can corrode very quickly. And assuming it is a layer of organic tissue, the acid can completely hurt. In acid catastrophes, we need to take ...
The erratic weather and rainy season, together with rising humidity, are favorable factors for pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Children are the most vulnerable to these agents, especially respiratory diseases. In which bronchiolitis (VTPQ) is a common disease, can lead to severe consequences if ...
According to dermatologists, eating in the autumn should be very important because the dry weather, sudden changes make our body more vulnerable to depression and reduced resistance. Therefore, a scientific menu with fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals will help you not only have ...
Safflower tree is also known as Saffron, Saffron flower, Saffron Flower tree height 7-10m, sometimes up to 25m, small green branches, hairy or hairless. Leaves odd bird feathers, staggered growth. The flowers are small, greenish-white, in clusters at the ends, and the beans in the middle of the ...
Artichoke has the scientific name of Cynara Scolymus L. belongs to Asteraceae family. This plant may be native to Greece and on the island of Sicile, where it is known as scolymus. The French acclimatized artichokes to Vietnam from the 19th century. It was not until the early 20th century that ...
Nowadays, housewives are more interested in combining and processing foods in one dish for health benefits. Here are 8 ways to combine foods with effective health effects. Green tea + lemon for a healthy heart Green tea has been shown to reduce the risk of heart failure thanks to the catechins, the ...
Seo chicken other names Luot, phoenix, phoenix, scientific name: Pteris multifida Poir. Small plants, grasses, with rhizome growing cows with narrow brownish scales. Leaves grow very close together. Leaves are light brown at the base and slightly yellow above. Chicken Seo is popular in the North ...
Suddenly he no longer desires sex or if it is just done. There are many causes, but one of the main causes is health. Therefore, foster him with the "specialties" for men who are at risk of "on the bottom protection not listening". Tam Nga (silkworm) complete canopy: 100g canopy drying, powdered, ...
In Oriental medicine, chamomile is used to treat many different diseases. All 4 types: white daisies, yellow daisies, yellow daisies and cypress daisies are used as medicines. White chrysanthemum: According to traditional medicine, white chrysanthemum has a sweet, bitter, slightly welded ...
According to scientists' statistics, one person catches a cold every 32 seconds. This means that the cold virus has a very fast and widespread spread. So how to reduce the risk of this disease? Drink hot tea A study by Harvard researchers shows that sipping a cup of hot tea not only warms the body ...
What drinks should not drink when waking up? Do you know what kind of water these are? Please refer to the article below Salty water Some people think that drinking light salt water is good for health. If the body is sweating, then drinking a little clean salt water will increase the moisture in ...
If there is no preventive or timely cure in this cold season, these infections will be more serious and may even cause infertility. Menstrual disorders In the winter, especially on holidays, women often like to wear delicate clothes to keep glamorous and sexy but forget to keep the body warm. ...
Is it necessary to follow a strict diet to reduce your waist measurement? The answer is: not really. What a great news! Now you can relax with the diet and still maintain the desired condition. Science has proven that following a strict diet can make you eat more without worrying about ...
Dilation of milk gland is most common in women aged 40-50 and affects one quarter of menopausal and postmenopausal women. The woman's breast is made up of connective tissue including a milk gland - tiny tiny channels that carry milk to the nipple. Milk dilation occurs when a line of milk below the ...
This is the case of a fertilized egg implanted outside the uterus (outside the womb) and usually attaches itself to the fallopian tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy is very common but is no longer dangerous for women, because today, thanks to ultrasound methods, people ...