Mother and baby

  • The cause of twins? Twins are more common in some families. However, the most important factor is age. Women over 30 years of age are more likely to have twins than younger women. Part of the reason is that women in their 30s, especially in their late 30s, often shed more than one egg during their ...
  • Bleeding during pregnancy, including cases of bleeding, can be caused by many things. Vaginal bleeding can occur early or later in pregnancy, however, not all bleeding fields are severe. Many vaginal bleeding or blood dripping may occur during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Bleeding can also ...
  • What is cystic fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis is one, caused by a child receiving an abnormal gene that causes disease from a parent. This is a lifelong disease that affects all organs of the body, and causes serious digestive and respiratory problems. The disease does not affect the appearance and ...
  • What is a birth defect? Birth defects are abnormalities in the body that are present at birth. Birth defects can affect the appearance, or function of the body, or both. Most birth defects are only mild, but some can be serious. Babies with birth defects may need surgery or medication. What is a ...
  • Make a healthy diet during pregnancy Planning a healthy diet is not difficult. The US Department of Agriculture has made this planning easier by creating websites. This website will help everyone, from dieters, to children and pregnant women, learn to make healthy food choices at every ...
  • What is a gene? Genes are the structures that regulate your outer form. Each gene exists in pairs. The fetal genome consists of half from the mother and the other half from the father. Some traits, like blood type, are specified by a single pair of genes while others like skin color, hair color, ...
  • Pregnant women have a lot of things to worry about, but also should pay attention to oral health. Dental conditions can often be affected by changes in the body during this time. For example, many women have more severe gingivitis during pregnancy. Gingivitis is an infection that can cause ...
  • What is preeclampsia? Pre-eclampsia is defined as high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine after the 20th week of gestation in women with previously normal blood pressure. A slight increase in blood pressure may also be a sign of pre-eclampsia. If left untreated, pre-eclampsia can lead ...
  • Possible causes Stretches the back muscles Weak abdominal muscles The hormone during pregnancy Among the most common causes mentioned above, stretching of the back muscles is a major cause. As the pregnancy gets bigger, your uterus gets bigger and heavier, the front of your body gets heavier, and ...
  • What is uterine fibroids? If you have uterine fibroids but have enough children, have normal menstruation, no pain or discomfort, then just follow up with regular exams. If you stop here, stop and read, you will worry more. If you're expecting a child, preparing for infertility treatment, the ...
  • How to diagnose stillbirth? Regular pregnancy checkups will help the doctor to monitor the health status of the fetus. If the fetus is suspected of being dead, the doctor will listen to the fetal heartbeat with a portable Doppler stethoscope. Ultrasound may then be ordered to check fetal heart rate ...
  • Many cases of the cause are often unknown and we will not be able to prevent it. However, there are many methods to help reduce the risk of miscarriage, including: Do not smoke during pregnancy. Do not drink alcohol or use drugs while pregnant, Eat a healthy, balanced diet with at least 5 servings ...
  • Kale Kale has more calcium than milk and is more easily absorbed, making it an excellent source of calcium. Beans stew Beans are not only rich in protein, it is also a great source of calcium making the menu with stewed beans a quick and easy way for a meal for pregnant women. Apple crumble with ...
  • "Children are an anchor to a mother's life ..." (Sophocles - Pheadra). Especially when the mother has health problems, related to the life and future of both mother and child - one of which is infected with HIV (Human immunodeficency virus). The decision to keep the child is a courageous and ...
  • A texting friend has a "testimonial" link: "Pregnant women have reduced brain mass" and has a grumbling "Doctor, pregnancy is brain loss, brain atrophy here". The story of forgetting the sky and forgetting the earth after giving birth is a daily affair. But pregnancy that "dangerous" to brain ...