Mother and baby

  • Physical improve Babies 18 months can walk fast, start running and can take many steps. Children can doodle with pencils, build a tower with two or three bricks, throw objects, and can use spoons and mugs. Children can empty an object from a bottle or container. Emotional development At 18 months, ...
  • Physical improve Babies who are 24 months old can walk, run, and can hold or pull toys while walking. Children can climb up / down furniture and can walk up / down stairs. Children can scribble, build a tower with five or more bricks, and turn pages of a book. Children may begin to prefer to use ...
  • Physical improve At 12 months, babies can: sit on their own ‚hold on to themselves‚ crawl on their hands and knees ‚crawl or grip to walk around objects‚ and can walk a few steps on their own. Baby can hold and knock two toy blocks together ‚can eat and drink with a cup. At this stage ‚he is able ...
  • When should I start training my baby to go to the toilet? Practice going to the toilet if both you and your baby are ready. That means you can spend the time and effort you need to encourage your baby every day, and they have the following capabilities: Your baby will let you know when the diaper ...
  • Common behaviors of children and ways of care Children often use the same legs and arms when moving, need to pay attention to support their head. Babies will sleep most of the day, waking up only when they want to eat or change a diaper. Babies can express their needs by crying. Children may be ...
  • School activities You should always talk to your child's teacher about the situation at school. Emotional development and social interaction Children may enjoy playing competitive games or team sports games. You should encourage children to participate in outdoor activities such as playing in teams ...
  • Child's development Physical improve 2-month-old babies control their head movements and can lift their head and neck up to their stomach. Emotional development Children can easily interact with their parents or babysitters. Cognitive development Children at this age can be aware of things around ...
  • 2-week-old babies Sleep for a total of 15 to 18 hours a day, wake up when eating or changing diapers. Children do not recognize the difference between day and night. The neck muscles are weak and need support to hold a child's head. The chin can be lifted in a few seconds when the baby is on his ...
  • Physical development Your 4-year-old child can hop on one leg, jump on the flute, change his feet when taking the stairs, ride a 3-wheel bike and get dressed (sometimes with a little help with pulling a zipper or pin knot). Besides, babies can: Brush your teeth. Use spoon and fork while ...
  • School activities You should always talk to your child's teacher about the situation at school. Emotional development and social interaction. Children should enjoy playing with their friends, following the rules of the game, playing competitive or team games. Children are very active at this ...
  • Common behaviors of children and ways of care Babies often use both their arms and legs the same way when moving and need help with moving their head. Babies will sleep most of the time, waking up to change food and change diapers. Crying can be a way of expressing your baby's need for something. ...
  • Physical improve Babies 1 month old can hold the head for a while when laying prone. Babies are startled with sounds and move their arms and legs at the same time. At this age, babies will be able to clench fists. Emotional development At 1 month, babies sleep most of the time, crying only when ...
  • Benefits of childbirth and caesarean? Doctor, can you tell me the benefits of giving birth and caesarean section? I am almost ready to give birth, I wonder if I should choose to have a regular or caesarean birth. Thank the doctor for advice. Reply Many women get closer to the due date or ask the ...
  • Cause of fetal death why? The doctor let me ask pregnant for more than 2 months without a fetal heart, leading to stillbirths is the reason? Reply There are many causes of early stillbirth. If all the tests on the fetus, father and mother are done, up to 50% of cases will not be found. Therefore, ...
  • What is body mass index? (BMI, body mass index) is an index based on height and weight that helps assess whether a person is underweight, overweight, overweight, or obese. Calculate body mass index by dividing body weight (in kg) by square of height (in meters). When is a person considered to be ...