Mother and baby
- When your baby is young, crying is the only way to communicate with parents, through which they want to communicate their needs, and also a way to respond to parents. But sometimes it's hard to know what your child needs. As children get older, they will learn other ways to communicate with their ...
- What is circumcision? Circumcision is surgery that removes the skin layer, called the foreskin, the part that covers the foreskin (head) of the penis. When is circumcision done? The circumcision for a newborn can be done before or after the mother and baby leave the hospital. It is only taken if ...
- Pus is a strong bond formed between parents and children. This link makes parents always want to give their children the best care and love. And they always want to protect and nurture their little baby. This connection forces parents to wake up in the middle of the night to breastfeed and keep ...
- Physical improve At the age of 15 months, children can: walk on their own ‚bend‚ go backward ‚and climb up the stairs. Children can put two blocks on top of the tower ‚can feed and drink by themselves. Children have the ability to imitate drawing strokes or drawings. Emotional development Babies ...
- Physical development 6-year-old children can hop, hop over obstacles or balance on one leg for at least 10 seconds and can ride a bike. Emotional development and social interaction 6-year-old children should enjoy playing with friends and want to follow them but still want to get the consent of ...
- Physical improve 9-month-old babies can crawl, stretch, crawl and can pull themselves up and walk around tables and chairs. Babies can shake, hit hard and throw objects; Put your fingers in your mouth, clench your fists and drink from the cup. 9-month-old children can point to objects and usually ...
- Physical improve 6-month-old babies can sit without much help. When lying on his back, he may put his foot in his mouth. Babies can roll from lying on their backs to their stomachs, stomachs and backs, and they can crawl back before lying on their stomach. When held, 6-month-old babies can support ...
- Physical improve 4-month-old babies will start to flip. When lying on his stomach, he can keep his head straight, up high and lift his chest off the floor or mattress. He can also hold a toy and reach for his hand. Your baby may start teething, and will drool and chew on things for a few months ...
- Expression at school Talk to your child's teacher often to learn about your child's behavior at school. Social and emotional development Your child may enjoy playing competitive games and team sports. Encourage outdoor social activities like group play or team sports. After school, encourage social ...
- Physical development At 3 years of age, children can: Jump, kick, trike and change your feet as you climb the stairs. Knowing to open buttons and undress, however, babies may need help with this. Wash and dry your hands. Draw a circle. Clean up toys with adult help and do some simple household ...
- Learning After completing high school, they will continue to go to college, technical school or vocational school, or join the army, or go to work. Emotional and social development At this age they tend to establish relationships and discover sexual intercourse. They can live at home, college ...
- Physical development Your 5-year-old baby can bend one leg at a time, balance and move forward on each leg. He can also jump over obstacles, balance on one leg for at least 5 seconds and play hopscotch. Emotional development A 5-year-old child will realize that a child's imaginative play is not ...
- Academic performance Learning becomes difficult when children have to study with many teachers, changing classrooms and learning challenges also affect learning productivity. You need to capture information about your child's learning process and help them plan homework. Social emotional ...
- Activities at school Talk to your child's teacher on a regular basis to see how your child works at school. Maintain an active participation in your child's learning and school activities. Social and emotional development Your child can start to get along much more with friends than with parents or ...
- Learning In adolescence, they need to prepare for college, college or vocational school. They also often start some part-time jobs during junior high school. Emotional development and social life Adolescents tend to be more influenced by their peers than their parents in both the information side ...