Mother and baby

  • As your first child begins to grow, when at home the story of another baby begins to shuffle, you will ask yourself "is this the right time?". I will answer this question about medical issues. How long is the interval between births ideal? Many documents recommend that the gap between the first ...
  • Stress understands in a simple way in this article is the psychological stress before a certain condition, pressure, specifically now pregnant. Many people will ask why pregnancy is stressful, a happy story, having a baby is a blessing, you must be happy! There are many causes, such as longtime, ...
  • This should be read during pregnancy preparation, or later in pregnancy. In fact, the postpartum period you will "confused", do not know when to read, and hardly any other concern than the small person has just appeared in your life ... Happiness is there, many surprises have, and Also no less ...
  • "Pain like labor" is a common saying about pain during labor. Tearing skin tearing flesh, terrible pain ..., in short, it hurts really. So afraid of surgery but afraid of pain? Well ... have a doctor help me - relieve pain during labor. Pain during labor varies from person to person, depending on ...
  • It's easy, take the sperm, pump it into the uterus, it's all over! This sentence stumbled upon one patient's sister advising another patient. Listening to me, it's easy, it reminds me of the book "about cats teaching seagulls flying". I mean sometimes it's easy or difficult, depending on whether ...
  • Every year, there is an outbreak alert, and that medical staff is really an obsession. Because in front of a dengue patient, no one can foresee what might happen next. When you are pregnant, there are a few things to keep in mind. Warning signs you may have dengue fever Continuous high fever> 38 ...
  • What is polycystic ovary? It's easy, "poly" is too many - so polycystic ovary means the ovary has many follicles. But life is not so simple - in fact it is a thousand times more complicated. Polycystic ovary syndrome is called polycystic ovary syndrome. If you type "polycystic ovary" on Google, you ...
  • If I have to beg for sperm ... ... then don't sing the song "If you have to be apart ..." After the necessary tests, I explained to them cautiously "if you want to treat, you need sperm". Immediately, he looked at me with eyes ... hard to describe. A little angry, a little sad, a little ...
  • Why wait forever but not get pregnant, no one can be so positive that "Never mind!". You will ask yourself, at least one of the following questions: Why not pregnant? Are the couple doing something wrong? There is no infertility? Those short questions, I think they are "heavy". Before I could ...
  • The first concern of pregnant mothers is how to give birth to a healthy baby. When you are not pregnant, your eating and drinking experience may be secondary, but when you are pregnant, eating and drinking become "very important", although there are many factors affecting the formation and ...
  • Overview After the egg and sperm are fertilized in the fallopian tube, the embryo moves into the uterus, implants and divides. Germs form in you - a tiny germ of xiu, much smaller than a bean. In the uterus, cells divide and form placenta to feed the tiny embryo. At this point, you may notice some ...
  • Overview When pregnant, most mothers wonder: How to eat to develop a good fetus? That question is still not as difficult as what to eat and drink because of the risk of harm to the fetus. Information from social networks, folk experiences, "words of the ancients", more jumble of food - toxic ...
  • What is stillbirth? Stillbirth is a fetus that dies after 24 weeks of pregnancy. If the fetus dies before 24 weeks, it is considered as a miscarriage. Pregnancy is quite common. There are more than 3,600 stillbirths each year in the UK and for every 200 babies born there is a stillbirth. In the UK, ...
  • A large proportion of stillbirths occur in healthy babies and the cause is often unexplained. The causes of stillbirth Poor placental function Some cases have been linked to complications of the placenta, for a number of reasons that the placenta (organ that supplies blood and nourishes the fetus) ...
  • Vaccine helps protect pregnant women and the fetus from vaccine preventable diseases. During pregnancy, immunized pregnant women will transmit protective antibodies (anti-infectious molecules) to the fetus before the baby is born. Immunization during pregnancy creates immunity against ...