
  • Hyperthyroidism is an excess of thyroid hormone circulating in the blood due to an increase in thyroid activity. The trend of people suffering from this disease is increasing. More significantly, complications of the disease can affect pregnancy or increase the risk of infertility. Hyperthyroidism ...
  • Even though you have given birth to your first child, there are cases where you cannot get pregnant next time. These cases are called secondary infertility. Where to lead to this situation? Please refer to the following article to learn more about the disease. If your spouse has maintained a ...
  • Infertility is an undesirable disease in both men and women, depending on the cause that there are different treatments for infertility for men and women. At present, the increasing female infertility rate makes infertile couples more and more. With the advancement of medicine, more and more ...
  • There are bad habits leading to infertility that women do not anticipate. Including habits you still use every day. So what are some of the bad things that seriously affect your reproductive health? Drink lots of alcohol Excessive alcohol consumption is not recommended for anyone, especially women ...
  • Poor sleeping position will affect health. Parents should understand the pros and cons of the following 3 postures to help children have the correct sleeping posture. Sleeping position supine Advantages Safety is quite high A child's nose is not covered by a blanket or outside object, causing ...
  • Many mothers often use honey to tongue or cure constipation, cough for infants. However, as I know it, children under 1 year old should not use honey because of weak digestive system, limited detoxification function of the liver so it is easy to be allergic. Even children poisoned by honey will ...
  • The dream of being a parent is probably the dream of every couple. But maybe for some of the reasons below, you and your husband may not have children by chance. Habitat When regularly exposed to toxic chemicals such as pesticides, strong cleaning chemicals, food preservatives, radioactive ...
  • Hepatitis B of all ages and genders can be infected by viruses, of which hepatitis B is the most dangerous, especially in newborns, and the negative consequences can occur. What causes hepatitis B? The main cause of hepatitis B virus infection in newborns is that the mother becomes infected with ...
  • Currently, many women choose to have a "cesarean" caesarean section because this method limits many complications at birth. Besides, compared to the normal delivery method, caesarean section is considered less painful. Therefore, the fastest way to take care of an incision after birth is the topic ...
  • If you have the flu during pregnancy, you could face serious health problems. One of the dangerous complications of influenza is pneumonia, which can increase a mother's risk of preterm birth. So getting a flu shot during pregnancy is very important. Here is a summary of 13 questions and answers to ...
  • Group B streptococcal bacteria are found in the vagina and rectum of pregnant women. Because this bacteria can be transmitted from mother to child, it can cause extremely dangerous complications for children such as meningitis, pneumonia, even death, etc. perform GBS tests to help check and prevent ...
  • Preterm birth is one of the dangerous complications of pregnancy that no one wants to happen. Babies born preterm are at high risk for severe respiratory syndrome, cerebral palsy, seizures, .. Therefore, screening for the risk of preterm birth is extremely necessary to take timely preventive ...
  • Pregnant women are often ordered to test for Rh factor in the first weeks of pregnancy. This is an important test that a pregnant mother cannot ignore. What is the Rh factor? Each Rh + (positive) or Rh - (negative) blood element exists in everyone's blood. Blood Rh is an antigen or protein specific ...
  • The bath will help promote blood circulation and bring comfort to pregnant women. However, when showering during pregnancy also need to pay attention. Many pregnant women during pregnancy often take a hot bath, which is a mistake, because it actually has some negative effects for you and your ...
  • During the 16th week of pregnancy, many pregnant women can feel the presence of their baby inside their body. Choose a sleeping position that makes you feel comfortable and ensures that your unborn baby is not affected! Sleep problems of pregnant women at 16 weeks gestation For the sleep of the ...