Are you planning to have a baby? But I don't know how to prepare for a safe and healthy pregnancy. The following article will provide useful information that future mothers need to know before deciding to become pregnant. Why is readiness for pregnancy so important? If you are not ready to become ...
Cough hair growth is very common in pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy. However, it is easy to mistake coughing hair for a common cough so pregnant women need to be very attentive and not subjective. What is coughing hair? "Coughing hair" is a popular name for pregnant women who ...
Diarrhea during pregnancy seems to become "extreme" for pregnant women. It greatly affects the health and daily life of the mother, making her pregnant extremely uncomfortable and tired. If not treated right away, the condition gets worse, which can endanger the health of both the mother and the ...
Using emergency contraception can prevent up to 95% of pregnancies when done properly after sex. What is emergency contraception? Emergency contraception refers to methods of contraception that can be used to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse. They are recommended for use within 5 days but ...
Avoid long, hot showers or showers in the bath. Use a cool washcloth or a warm washcloth to apply to the affected area. Some women find the palms and soles flushed and itchy, while others experience itching with signs of a body rash. Itching may increase at the moment of showering or just before ...
Insomnia is one of the very common conditions during pregnancy. Even chronic insomnia during pregnancy tends to cause depression in expectant mothers. So in that case, mothers should take sleeping pills during pregnancy? The following article will answer all that questions for mothers. Insomnia ...
Below is information about high blood pressure during pregnancy and how to take care of yourself as well as your unborn baby during 9 months and 10 days. What is high blood pressure during pregnancy? High blood pressure or hypertension is defined as when the blood pressure reading is greater than ...
Women especially before, during and after pregnancy need to be vaccinated to receive protection during pregnancy and after childbirth. The vaccination helps women have a healthy pregnancy, give birth to a healthy and safe baby. Are pregnant infected and at risk for the fetus Risk of pregnancy ...
Numerous studies have shown that men who want to have a healthy baby are very important. So how to properly fertilize sperm to give birth to a healthy baby is the concern of many men. What is healthy sperm? Sperm plays an important role in the reproductive process. To conceive successfully sperm ...
Women who give birth late have the advantage of being more mature in thinking as well as economically stable. At this time, the woman has conditions and knowledge to take good care of her children more than the young mothers. There are cases of late childbirth but both mother and child are healthy. ...
How easy is a woman to have a boy? What types of women usually give birth to boys or what is a way to have a son? Please refer to the following article! According to experts' review, some of the following types of women are more likely to give birth to a son: The vaginal environment affects the ...
10 years of living with kidney stones is equal to that time when Nguyen Thi Xuan suffered from pain, troubles that only people who have ever been in the situation like her would understand. But today, on her face is always a bright smile because she had just had successful laparoscopic surgery and ...
After birth, the mother's body is very weak physically and mentally. Without adequate care, it is easy to get postpartum diseases. Eating well, resting properly is the only way to help mom avoid postpartum disease. Postpartum warnings in postpartum women Postnatal period is the postpartum period ...
Many pregnant women are still bewildered about which habits will adversely affect the health of the fetus? The following article will help mothers vote to answer that question. Excessive exercise and sports You can still exercise during pregnancy as long as these exercises are perfect because it ...
In addition to increasing vitamin and folic acid supplementation during pregnancy, specialists also encourage pregnant women to supplement DHA as a necessary nutrient to ensure fetal development. Babies throughout the womb as well as after being born. What is DHA? DHA (Docosa Hexaenoic Acid) is an ...