After an abortion, the female body is very weak. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your health after abortion to avoid complications and quickly recover health. Women need to recover from abortion health Abortion is performed in two forms. One is medication and the other is ...
Coconut water has long been a popular natural health beverage for everyone. For pregnant women, this is also a golden drink with great benefits for pregnancy. Benefits of coconut water for pregnancy Add electrolytes Coconut water contains valuable electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and ...
Diets like, should and should not eat to have abundant milk sources for children is always the top concern of pregnant women. A reasonable diet and a relaxed spirit will help mom quickly recover after a hard struggle. Check out the article below from Hopital Hospital for more useful information ...
During pregnancy, the female body has many changes so it is easy to get a vaginal infection. This condition is not only uncomfortable for the mother but can affect the fetus during the birth, so the mother needs to be detected early to be treated promptly. Why are pregnant mothers susceptible to ...
According to many studies, about 60-70% of women experience shortness of breath during pregnancy. This condition is a consequence of changes in the mother's body and not too serious for her health. Symptoms of breathing difficulties during pregnancy It is not until the last months of pregnancy that ...
Fever is a common condition in humans. It is not too dangerous, but for pregnant women, you must be very careful because pregnant women with fever can adversely affect the health of the fetus. When it is determined that the pregnant woman has a fever Fever is the reaction of the body before the ...
Seafood has extremely high nutritional value, especially good for the development of children. That is why most moms add seafood names to their baby's daily menu in hopes that their children will be healthy. How to choose the right type of seafood according to each stage, how to cook, how to dose, ...
Apricots are a familiar fruit, which is used extensively in life. Apricots soaked in sugar are a popular way to create a refreshing drink. Drinking a glass of apricot juice when just going to the sun or working in the sun, hot, blushing, sweating, has a cooling effect, relieve heat, treat ...
Fetal cessation of development is the term used to refer to early miscarriage. This situation is like a cruel judgment towards the pregnant mother. What is a developing embryo? Discontinued embryo refers to a form of miscarriage at an early stage of pregnancy. This event happened suddenly and early ...
In the process of pregnancy, many pregnant mothers faced with extremely uncomfortable nasal congestion. Nasal congestion is a common disease but it is dangerous for pregnant women because it can affect the fetus. Causes of stuffy nose during pregnancy There are many causes of stuffy nose for ...
Pelvic ligament pain is a condition that many pregnant women encounter. Find out the causes and remedies to improve this situation, giving you a sense of comfort throughout pregnancy. What is round ligament pain? The circular ligament is two bands of connective tissue located on either side of the ...
Toxoplasma parasite can be transmitted from mother to child and cause extremely dangerous complications, damaging the baby's immune system. What is Toxoplasma parasite? Toxoplasma is a parasite in hot-blooded animals such as cats, birds ... They penetrate into the human body mainly by the digestive ...
Not only women, the age of men also has a direct effect on the fertility and development of the fetus. How does age affect male reproductive health? First, the older the male, the lesser the seminal volume, total sperm count, sperm morphology and motility. Sperm morphology also changes in size and ...
The respiratory system of young children is not yet complete, the resistance of the babies is weak, therefore, they are very susceptible to respiratory diseases such as dry cough, productive cough, whooping cough. Choosing for an effective treatment that is suitable for the baby's condition, ...
Personal hygiene not only helps to keep oneself clean, but also prevents the spread of infectious diseases. Teaching children about hygiene and personal hygiene habits early on is very important because children with weak resistance should be more susceptible to infection. What is personal hygiene ...