
  • Many people make these mistakes not only cause rice to lose its nutrients, but it can also make us more sick. Cooking rice is a very simple process, but it is also the way that almost all of us suffer. Nutrients from rice Rice contains carbohydrates, providing calories. Vitamins B1, B2, magnesium, ...
  • Eating too many sugary foods will promote the formation of uric acid, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, which directly affects kidney function. According to Thehealthsite, the kidneys function to filter all blood in the body every 30 minutes, but the filtering ability of this ...
  • Have you heard a lot about the types of milk containing DHA to help children be smart? Fish itself is an inexpensive alternative to that, as they are rich in DHA, in addition to being low in fat and high in easily digestible protein. Fish contains a lot of nutrients, so eating fish is very ...
  • People with diseases such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, gastritis ... absolutely do not drink soy milk. Soy milk is a very nutritious drink. Soy milk has a detox effect, sputum digestion, reduces blood fat, lowers blood pressure for people with high blood pressure. Every day drinking a cup of ...
  • Energy drinks are not nutritious food because they do not provide essential nutrients. And energy drinks can be the cause of many unpredictable diseases. Energy drinks are becoming more and more popular. In the office, in the workplace, they are consumed to increase labor productivity. And at ...
  • Dangerous toxins can "hide" in the foods that are considered delicious and have many health benefits that you eat every day. Be the wisest chef Cherry seeds Like apple seeds, cherry seeds contain a type of hydrogen cyanide called a toxic prussic acid that is incredibly dangerous if ingested ...
  • Beef starfruit soup with natural sweet and sour taste will be very helpful in family meals. Time: 45 MINUTES Service: 2 Sections Material: Beef muscle meat 200 gr Cinnamon 2 balls MAGGI seasoning seeds Enough to use Onion Enough to use Step 1: Cut starfruit, clean and peel, slice thin to ...
  • Alcohol, peppermint, licorice, and canned foods can make a man weaker in sex. Drinking too much alcohol before going to bed causes your sex drive to decrease, make it difficult to maintain an erection and "peak". Some beers also cause premature ejaculation. It's best to drink water if you are ...
  • Not only delicious, purple food also has a lot of effects on human health With nearly 20 years of meticulous research, Dr. David Siberia in the US discovered that purple fruits and vegetables contain anthocyanins, which have a powerful role in fighting arteriosclerosis, which in turn can prevent ...
  • Spices are an indispensable part of every meal. But how to use them for delicious food while keeping the family healthy? Along refer to the following article offline! Seasoning is an extremely important step in creating a delicious meal. However, some spices, if seasoned "too hands", not only ...
  • According to traditional medicine, the orange-flavored catfish, has properties, has negative effects, has a positive effect, is good for health, promotes milk production, diuretic digestion, kidney tonic, and reduces fatigue. Catfish are freshwater fish, living in ponds, lakes, muddy fields, dark ...
  • Chicken feet have many tendons. Chicken tendons according to traditional medicine are called weight mill, have a sweet, balanced, non-toxic, highly nutritious effect, increase vitality, strengthen tendons for men very effectively. In the chicken, many parts are used as medicine according to ...
  • In the hot summer season, soup, clam porridge, and mussel are popular, but before eating, you need to note the following. When eating mussels, mussels, you should know some precautions to not harm your health. Clam contains vitamin B12, which is especially good for memory and vitamin C helps with ...
  • When eating persimmons, please note the following to avoid harm to health. Ripe persimmon is not only a favorite dish, but also used in traditional medicine to make medicine. Persimmons are fruits that bring us a lot of health and beauty benefits, but not everyone can eat them and eat them at any ...
  • Do you know how to use silkworm pupae properly to ensure the health of your body? Silkworm pupae are a nutritious dish, have many effects in healing, but if you choose unsafe pupae and wrongly preserve them, it will accidentally turn that nutritious dish into a poison for the body. Silkworm pupae ...